Being Kind Being Kind has been at many times in history looked at as being a weakness.  Only the ruthless are the ones that are going to be successful.  It was just the way it was.  Being kind would get you no where.  That is what the perception was.  But it is not reality.

You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.” – Pubilius Syrus

You may have heard the saying “nice guys finish last.” People often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of.

But is it really true that being kind gets you nowhere?

We are taught that behind every smile there is an ulterior motive.

We are suspicious and skeptical of others who are kind to us.  Many times people have been taught that an act of kindness is a trick.  A ploy to lull someone into falsely trusting some one so that they can take advantage of you.  This seems especially true in these times. 

Kindness does not equal weakness. On the contrary, it takes a great amount of strength to be kind to someone who thinks differently than you or is slowing you down in some way.

People who perform regular acts of kindness are often more successful, have more social friends and are well liked than those who don’t.

Being Kind helps you succeed:

  • Kindness increases confidence – Studies show that kindness increases your self-worth. Self-worth leads to more confidence.
  • People remember you  – when you are kind and willing to help others. It sets you apart from others. People will be more likely to remember you in a good way.
  • Kindness creates a ripple effect – One person being kind in some way spreads to others, who in turn spread kindness. Kindness is contagious, fostering in more kindness.  Being kind can spread like a yawn.  It makes people more comfortable and willing to open up.
  • Kindness evokes a sense of trust – In fact, studies show that even before establishing their own credibility, leaders who are kind and project warmth are more effective than those who lead by being tough.
  • Kindness helps increase performance –  Being kind to others makes them happier which in turn makes them more productive. Confidence also leads to better performance.  The quality of their work and life will go up.
  • Kindness bridges gaps between people – It can reach across barriers in language, gender, locality, religion and anything else that causes people to miscommunication.

Luis Benitez, who has submitted the Seven Summits 32 times, says that kindness and compassion are essential to overcoming terrible physical and mental challenges. He often encounters horrible challenges during his climbs.  If this can help someone though something this difficult think of what it can do for other situations.

As an example, say you see someone limping on the day you need to reach the next camp. Instead of cursing their weakness and ignoring the pain they are in, you stop to bandage their feet so they can keep up with you.

This is not just being altruistic. If a member of the party lost their ability to hike, your entire group may have to return to the start. Stopping to help a colleague ensures you achieve your own goals.

This is a way of taking advantage of someone as well.  This act of kindness is not take take advantage of someone but to help you both to achieve a mutual beneficial goal.  

Kindness is the secret to a successful and fulfilling life. Always be kind because your actions have a bigger impact than you realize not only on you but others as well.

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