law of attraction - good thoughts lead to good things happeningThe law of attraction has been attributed to Buddhist philosophy, Karma, and/or some sort of universal force. Some sources liken it to gravity – it just exists. The law of attraction says that what you focus on, feel strongly and think about will ultimately be yours. This means bad things as well as good things.

The Law Of Attraction can be seen across all societies getting to the point where if you believe it then it will happen.  There is a lot to be said for the power of  your mind.  When you believe that things are going to be good it can lead to things being good.  The same can be said for when you believe things are going to be bad.

Sometimes we make things much more complicated than they need to be.  Making success and happiness a state of mind can help you lead a better and more fulfilling life.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.
Henry Ford

Those who subscribe to the law of attraction claim that it is an inevitable law, like gravity. Thus, even those who don’t acknowledge the law of attraction are participating in it.  If this is the case then you don’t even have to believe in the law of attraction.  Because of your thoughts and actions you are already causing certain things to happen or to not happen.  Positive thoughts lead to positive things happening for you.

Negative thoughts lead to negative things happening to you.  This does not mean that if you think certain things either positive of negative that the exact thing is going to happen. What it means is that you have the influence by your thoughts and actions to influence what happens.

If you are constantly negative that that is how you will see things.  Even if something good happens to you and you are negative then you will only see that bad side.  Well I may have won $1,000 dollars but now I have to pay taxes on it.  If you think positive then even if something bad happens then you will see the positive in it.  I was in a car accident.  I was not hurt and I have insurance so it is not that bad.  It really is the classic the glass is half full or half empty.

Good Vibrations influence positive things in your live

A belief behind the law of attraction is the idea that the whole universe gives off certain vibrations. As a part of the universe, you, too, give off vibrations. This is sort of like your personal broadcast. The law of attraction responds to the vibrations given off by individuals.

If you give off positive vibrations, then the law states you will receive positive things in response. To generate these vibrations, sources say you should visualize reaching your goals and dreams. Every day, you think specifically about those things you want to achieve. Between the times that you are thinking so specifically, you need to cultivate an overall positive attitude so that your vibration will always be positive.

In other words, you can’t make up for 23 hours of negative thinking with one hour of positive visualization. You have to put yourself on the path to thinking positive thoughts.  This will not be a quick fix but a journey.  That is not to say that you won’t start to feel better when you start to feel the positive vibrations.  You will.  It will be a continuous journey.

Like Attracts Like

The law of attraction is based on the principle that “like attracts like.” This is why a positive outlook is said to affect you positively and vice versa. This is important to remember and for many people will involve either breaking a bad habit or learning a new habit.  If you have been stuck in a negative outlook it could be difficult to get out of that habit.  It is important to change that outlook and think of the good things to attract more good things in your life.

The Subconscious

An interesting theory within the law of attraction says that the brain cannot distinguish well between observing an event in real life and observing an event within your own mind. To the brain, so the theory goes, observation is observation. This is why the law of attraction is said to be so powerful – it taps into this observational area of the subconscious.

Taking Action

As opportunities begin to come your way, the law of attraction says you need to act on them. You are said to be able to distinguish these opportunities because they are slightly out of the ordinary. Practitioners of the law of attraction follow up on “leads” and opportunities that have anything to do with their goals, and on those that just intuitively “feel right.” After all, sometimes you can’t tell how relevant something is to your goals until you inquire.

So what are you going to do?  What is the first action you are going to take?  Post in the comments what your first action is going do.

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