MotivationThis is what we are here for!
A part of this page is to help people with motivation. We intend to (eventually) have weekly posts that will help explore and go deeper into the idea of what motivation actually is; while helping each other get and keep motivated!
Lets start at the beginning. For the next several weeks we will dive into what motivation is, might be, and even what it is not. I want to focus on what motivates you to get up in the morning? sure it may be that you have a job, need to earn money to eat, and so on. but why? That is the question we want to ask here. The why?

Motivation helps you do what you need to do now

The way I see it, motivation is what we label that drive. Much like any other emotion or feeling, it can be hard to describe. Motivation is doing what you need to do now so you can have fun later. Motivation is saving money now so you can buy something fun later.
Motivation has a purpose behind it, you are not simply doing something just because. It could be argued that most crimes have a motivation or a purpose.
Someone could be motivated to get up from bed earn money through their job, so then why does money drive someone beyond the basic needs? So when someone does not desire to go to work or school it leaves the motivation dead in the water. So it seems that we are motivated by the result or outcome of a situation.
what are your thoughts? I’d love to hear about them and discuss!
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See Our Post about how kindness can help to give you a sense of belonging