So last time we just started started talking about motivation. I’d like to continue talking about what motivation is. We talked about last time how motivation has a purpose, and people don’t typically do things without purpose. On a basic level, motivation could be something as easily understood as needing food or water. We eat because we are motivated to live, whatever that reason might be.  We get hungry and we eat as a result, we feel thirsty so we drink water (or that soda) to quench the thirst. Lots of our needs are easily satisfied by something else. What about getting up in the morning though? where does that drive come from? Why do we do that? What motivates us to get up, even on a weekend?

Motivation is getting up in the Moring

It would be amazingly easy to just lay in bed all day, sleep, taking advantage of other people to do things for us to take that a step farther. When I mean getting up in the morning, I simply mean getting out of bed to start the day. Well if you have kids, that may not need a lot of explanation. If they are young children you may need to worry about them burning the house down. If they are older children, you may still need to worry about them burning the house down. Parents have a tremendous amount of responsibility, and neglecting that responsibility can lead to many problems. But what about someone who’s single? A guy on his bachelor pad, a girl … uh… anyways, someone who’s single and no kids. Sure they have responsibilities, but what they need to do can be more neglected.
But this still doesn’t answer the question of why do we get up in the morning. Well, this word responsibility has come up a lot. People tend to have a drive to be responsible. Typically speaking. Think about this, and I’m going to use extremes here on purpose here. Do you like things all cleaned up or when it looks like a tornado has been through (fictionally or nonfictionally, take your pick) the place and everything looks like a hopeless mess? I’d be surprised if anyone chose the latter unless they had some malevolent desire, which in itself is motivation.
Lets focus this more. The kitchen is a place where many people like to have clean, and for many reasons too. We don’t want to get sick because a utensil  wasn’t cleaned correctly, or wasting food because it was left out, not to mention that it will smell terribly. Do you like it when the kitchen is a mess or when it looks like everything was just cleaned and put away? what about just cleaned? I would say that it could be argued that things have to be cleaned AND put away, not merely because the task is half done, but because it peaks your interest in a sense that you say “Wow, that looks good.” Responsibility is you knowing that the kitchen needs to cleaned, and put away, and you know why, and then you take those actions to doing it.
This still doesn’t answer the question of why do we get up in the morning, but hopefully we are getting closer to the answer. Getting up in the morning simply isn’t the need to get up to clean the kitchen. That may have already been done the night before, or worse yet you know it needs hours of work but you just don’t want to. You’ll certainly want to crawl back into bed and save it for another day as you have been the last few days. That or you get up and you do something else that doesn’t demand such of your time and/or effort. Is it a responsibility to get up in the morning? Possibly. Get up, maybe put some clothes on, usually go to the bathroom, but is that a responsibility? Do we get up in the morning because we need to do it, we know why, and we take those actions?
More on that next time.
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