Motivation BreakfastMotivation BreakfastLast time we talked about how motivation gets us out of bed because we want to eat? We want to get out of bed so we can work so we can eat? Or maybe it could also be that we want to keep the job that we have. All of these could be true. Can they?

Before I go to much more into this conversation. Think of your own morning routine as an example. I, like most people, am motivated by food. If you are not motivated by food, that is fine.

Think of something else that is joyous for you in the morning. Think of your own example. It could be watching TV, reading the paper, or having your variety of coffees and lattes… if you cannot, just follow along my examples of food and do not get too hungry, okay?

I would say yes. I would also say the reason we get up in the morning is probably going to be based on what the day is going to be like. As we kind of said last time, you are more likely to get up for pancakes and waffles (and bacon) than knowing the day will be hard and full of work. But what if you have plans in the evening? Does that make getting up for the day easier? Well it might make getting through the day easier knowing there is something fun to look forward to.

What if today was the day you knew you were going to put your dog down?  Would pancakes in the morning help? Probably not. A good tasting breakfast is probably the last thing on your mind. So, would you be getting up to know that you are helping your best friend (your dog) one last time? The rest of that day will probably be quite difficult, but if you do not get out of bed, your best friend could be suffering even more than what is necessary. You have two options, don’t get out of bed but your pet will be suffering, but he will be alive, if you do get out of bed, you have the responsibility of taking care of your pet.

Here is another situation we have not thought about, what if we were needing to get up to help a friend, family member, or significant other? Does that tend to motivate people to get up? What if you had to get up early because of a doctor appointment? Or because you were going to help some one close to you move? That could be motivation right there.

Motivation is circumstantial

Something else that is happening is motivation is circumstantial. Meaning that, if you know it is a weekend, and you know there are just pancakes, the circumstances around those events will probably lead you to get up. Now, if there were pancakes and waffles, or pancakes, waffles and bacon and it is a weekend, if you don’t get up for that I cannot help you. But what if you know it is going to be a hard day, but you have pancakes? Or waffles? Would that help the day be better?

Something that I seem to be outlining is that the motivation for getting up in the morning is not necessarily how hard it is to just get up and out of bed, but also seems to be related to how easy the day is or what you may have to look forward to. As we all know the morning is the start of the day, but simply starting the day does not seem to be enough to get someone out of bed. That is a fact, it is not necessarily motivation or responsibility. Now someone could want to get up TO start the day, that would be different, but knowing how easy or hard it is also does seem to influence the motivation.

Well. Until next time. What motivates you to get up in the morning?

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Read part three here