FocusingOkay, we are still on this mission to figure out why we wake up and get out of bed in the morning. We have so far figured out that it has to do with responsibilities and circumstances. Meaning that you get up to do the things you need to do and the conditions under which or why you get up.

Focusing on why

Today I kind of want to start focusing on the opposite. Why don’t we stay in bed all day? There are days where I would love to just stay in bed all day, read a book, sleep, whatever. But just be in bed.

There is absolutely a certain appeal to staying in bed all day to some, and to other people they just cannot. Even if they wanted to just stay in bed all day, they cannot, they have a need or a jitter to get up. Okay, so then what about being on the couch all day? How is the couch any different than sitting in bed? Well, the answer might be obvious. It is not bed.

So, then it might become a question of what you do once you get out of bed and beyond breakfast even. First off, is it even possible to stay in bed all day every day? Children have school, adults have work. Most of society has the mentality that if you do not work you do not eat, so even in the most extreme circumstances, even the homeless must find a way to find food.

You have to get out of bed for some reason

Eventually everyone must get out of bed to seek out food. At the very least everyone must get out of bed for one reason or another. If you find yourself, or someone that you know, does not get out of bed for food or to care for themselves and there is not a very good reason, seek help immediately. Why do I say that? I think it can go without being said (but I’ll say it anyway) that someone who can fend for themselves but has been enabled to stay in bed all day is most likely in very poor shape.

Their enablers have come so far that they are willing to bring them or buy them food is probably not in the best situation to say the least; who knows how far that has gone, and those in the public sector know the awful details especially. When I worked at the state level for 211 (which is like social services network) through adult protective services to take reports of abuse, most of those people would not even get up to go to the bathroom because their enablers have allowed it to go that far. But their enablers believe they are doing the right thing. Anyway, the bottom line is if you are in a situation like that, get help.

Think about the why

Is there anything wrong with spending a day in bed? Not necessarily, if that is how you want to spend the day. Assuming you know how to and do fend for yourself, have a job or someone has a job, knows how to get food, pay the bills, that kind of thing. But still the question remains, why don’t we? Focusing on the why can help to clear things up in your mind.

I think there are two main reasons (I can think of right now). The first one has to do with the ability to fend and care for yourself. Most people want to care for themselves and not rely on others and not be a burden. Most people even strive and work to be able to take care of themselves.  The second one has to do with self-dignity and self-worth. Most people care about themselves enough to care for themselves. But more on that later.


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